Our Ministries
Our leaders serve to ensure your kids encounter God, have fun, and feel loved. We provide scriptural-based, age-appropriate programs that point to new life in Jesus.
Our Childcare Coordinator, Jan Chapdelaine, oversees the infant through age 5 group. Our Children’s Pastor, Bill Sparkman, oversees KIDZTOWN; ages 6-12.
Our staff and volunteers have all submitted to background checks and interviews.
For more information or to get involved with our Totztown, Kidztown, Kidzclub please contact Pastor Bill Sparkman at bsparkman@harvestva.org or Jan Chapdelaine, at childcarecoord@harvestva.org.
Harvest Youth is dedicated to providing a place for students, 6th through 12th grade, to encounter the Holy Spirit, build lifelong friendships, and have a great time pursuing Jesus together! Our vision is to see the youth at Harvest become known as a generation seeking after God wholeheartedly.
Come hang out with us on Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM in the Student Ministries Center. These nights are a chance to worship, have fun, and build a relationship with Jesus. Bring a friend or bring your whole crew to experience the night with you! For more information about events, small groups, and Sunday nights, follow our Instagram @harvestvayouth or contact our Youth Pastor Skye Stewart at youth@harvestva.org.
Young Adults
Young Adults have so many life decisions to navigate through - whether it be picking a college, starting a career, forming Godly friendships, or figuring out where the Lord has placed them in the local church.
If you are aged 18-30, join us on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 PM. On the first Monday we meet together in the NEW Student Ministry Center and on the third Monday we meet as small groups! We will gather to hear the word, dive deep and discuss important topics, and just do life together. This community is dedicated to raising up leaders in the church, supporting each other in all that the Lord has called them to, and bringing prodigal men and women home.
For more information please follow our Instagram @harvestvayoungadults or contact our Young Adults Leader Morgan Costner at youngadults@harvestva.org.
Small Groups
We don’t believe you were ever meant to walk this road of faith alone. Within the community of the church are smaller groups called Small Groups. They are diverse groups that meet throughout the week for fellowship, prayer, encouragement, and Bible study.
For more information on our Small Groups click here.
Worship & Media Team
If you have a heart for worship and are skilled as a singer, keyboard player, drummer, bass guitarist, or electric guitarist, please prayerfully consider being a part of the Worship Team. You can email the Worship Director, William Etheridge, at wetheridge@gmail.com. For more information and updates follow our Instagram at @harvestvaworshiplive.
Click here to apply now!
Do you have a passion to make worship look and sound incredible? If so, the Media Ministry invites you to join their team! You can email the Media Director, David Stump, at media@harvestva.org.
Click here to apply now!
House of Blessing
The House of Blessing is a benevolence ministry that serves those in need in our community. In addition to providing financial assistance, the House of Blessing provides food to hundreds of families in need every week.
Click here for more information and for food distribution hours. If you would like to serve at HOB call the church office at (757) 547-7717.